Resilience Reimagined - All Access Transformation Pass:

**Receive my entire suite of offers & services PLUS 9 months of private, on-going mentorship.
Experience a holistic transformation encompassing energy healing, business strategy, and personalized mentorship.

More Details on the Transformation:

For those seeking deep Business Strategy AND Wellness to experience:

Business Skill building - Energetic Healing - Mindset Refocus - Marketing Techniques - Course/Class Launching - Grounding & Anchoring - Nervous system support 

AND: Health - Love - Magic - Play - Joy - Abundance 

The Business Strategy:

We'll spend 9 months deep diving into your business, hyper-focused and specifically customized to what your vision and goals are.  

We will address your most pressing needs with simple, yet effective solutions.

We will build and design structure for your business so you can have passive streams of revenue without working more in-person hours.

Know where to start, learn business skills you can use for life, & have guidance as you continue forward with your goals. 

The Wellness Aspects:

Experience more freedom to express your ideal way of living by structuring your business in a way that melds with your family life.

You're ready to explore Business & BE-ing through a different lens, alongside living in correct alignment for yourself and your family, and your business.

You're ready to live from a more grounded and balance state. 

We will connect through private Zoom calls + Voxer over the course of 9 months. It will be very strategic & deep while also being soft and in flow. 

We will discuss Business Strategy & Wellness themes/topics on the calls & in Voxer.

We will use: 
Expansion Principle Energy Healing
Human Design
Intuitive Exploration
Card Readings/Reports and
Guided meditations

as our modalities to for efficient results in your business and healing support for you.

We will move the energy, heal what is ready to heal, and allow space for gentle transformations to occur.


One 60-minute Zoom calls each month

Unlimited Voxer Access

Foundational & Advanced Human Design information 

Customize Healing Meditation for you, your business, and family if desired

Weekly Energy healing transmissions as desired

Quarterly Business Energy Reports 

Expansion Principle Labyrinth 

Quarterly Illumination Series + How to Use Your Scaffolding ($999 Value)

At the completion of the 9 months, you will experience: 

-Clarity on your business

-Have expanded more fully into aspects of you

-Have cleared out sticky/stagnent spots in your business

-Be radically transformed

-Experience new stages of growth, wealth, and healing

-Developed new marketing and offer creation skills for business 

-Increased awareness on how YOU operate in your most aligned state

And of course:

-Be completely transformed into your most expansive version of you

-Feel deeply nourished, supported, held

-Learn invaluable marketing/networking/tech pieces of online business selling

-Shaped your business into the dream business you've been wanting!

The 9-month experience is Business focused while also receiving the gift of healing to yourself ,and your ancestral lineage, past-present-future. 


You will feel radically seen, heard, and nourished, on a deeply cellular level by working with me.

The question now is......Are you ready to walk through, together?

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Monthly ($618.00)9x $618.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $2777.50)2x $2777.50
  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full + Get a FREE Bonus 1:1 call ($5555.00)$5555.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Resilience Reimagined - All Access Transformation Pass$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xResilience Reimagined - All Access Transformation Pass$0

All prices in USD

Ground Within Yourself:

“Come back to you....

 the deep knowing of how you choose to express yourself & walk in the world.”



About Melissa:

I combine my wisdom & expertise to ground you deep within yourself. 

 Weaving my experiences: 

A D1 NCAA Gymnast & student-athlete 

Hall of Fame Athlete for The University of Illinois, Class of 2023

9 years of Touring in shows as a Cirque du Soleil Acrobat 

NASM Personal Training & Cognitive Behavioral Change Certifications 

Bachelors in Kinesiology 

Certified Postpartum Doula Training 

Level 2 Expansion Principle Practitioner 

Mother of 3 and sacred keeper of the home 


I bring you recovery techniques, empowered guidance, effective communication, a listening ear, energetic healing support, and high-level doula support. 

 I am the gentle, nourishing, SAFE guide as you enter into motherhood. I am here to nourish YOU, your family, and make sure you feel grounded, joyful, and more than supported….you feel LOVED beyond measure.