Access Transformation in Your Business:
Business Energy Healing Reading


Attracting Clients - Increasing Revenue - Solidifying Network - Confidence - Health - Love - Magic - Play - Joy - Abundance 

Let's infuse Healing Energy into you and your business through a Business Reading!

We'll hop in a 1:1 Voxer container for one week to move, heal, and radically transform your business.

As an EP Level 2 Practitioner, I'll energetically clear out sticky spots & infuse Expansion Principle energy on the topics of: 

-attracting clients
-increasing revenue
-solidifying network connections & 

tapping into the natural expression of you to confidently come through.


One week of Voxer 

Card Pull 

 EP Transmissions 

 Personalized PDF File

.....and deep transformation for your business.


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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    1-time payment ($197.00)$197.00
  • Preferred option
    Monthly Reports 3x($177.00)3x $177.00

Add the Illumination Series

Learn tools to heal yourself - one time payment of $222
The Illumination Process is an energetic placement of an EP Scaffolding within your system to allow YOU the tools necessary to energetically heal yourself. 

 Includes a bonus 30-min call, EP Labyrinth, & extensive PDF of 'How-to's' You get all the tools at your disposable to come back home to yourself. 

 It is the gift of healing, in a safe, energetic container with me as your guide.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


EP Business Readings$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xEP Business Readings$0

All prices in USD

Ground Within Yourself:

“Come back to you....

 the deep knowing of how you choose to express yourself & walk in the world.”

