Template Queens - Group Program
An Accelerated Program to launch your Class/Course.
On Demand OR join a LIVE 3-Week Program
{Sept 2024}

Transform your class/course/template to a revenue generating business asset, get ahead faster, & reduce overwhelm with a strategic, simple approach.

This is a strategy & accountability group to GET YOUR CLASS LAUNCHED.

At the end of this program, you will have... 

a COMPLETE class
packaged up as an offer
that you are SUCCESSFULLY

selling and getting PAID!
Two Options: On Demand or Live
Round 1: Feb 12- Mar 1
Round 2: Sept 2024 

Mighty Networks + Zoom + Group Voxer for the Live Program

Week 1: Creation & Platforms 
Week 2: Pricing & Tech
Week 3: Marketing & Selling

You will:

Go faster vs if you did it alone
Gain confidence within yourself
Learn skills necessary for success
Learn how to make money from your class

Using my 4-Phase Plan of:
1) Brainstorm
2) Creation
3) Back End Tech
3) Launch/Rest

...we strategically create your desired results. 

Since we are conducting this in Voxer, you will receive personalized strategy directly from me AND your peers.  


On-demand access as soon as you purchase

Includes 4 Trainings on The 4-Phase Method, Marketing, & Launching (4 hours of learning & skills!)

Resource List 

Live program: 3 Group Coaching Calls in Zoom; Tuesdays at 11am EST

Live Program: Group Voxer Access M-F


Feedback Audits available

Weekly Accountability check-ins

Access to Marketing Tips Training

Access to 4-Phase Accountability Workbook (57 pages)

Coupon Code of 15% off for ANY Template in The Shop!

Contact information

Billing address

Add your VIP Kickstarter Call

Special one-time offer, only $222
Just you and me, deep diving into strategy on your class/course. 

Let's get started on the right foot. Add this to your cart to JUMP START the initial process.

We'll get 45 minutes on a Zoom call to discuss your overall vision and how we can take action right away!

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

Members thoughts if you're on the fence about Template Queens:

Template Queens$97

  • Total payment
  • 1xTemplate Queens$97

All prices in USD
